Custodians of the legacy of Major Archibald Alexander Gordon (1867-1949)
In 1925 Reginald served the 28th Field Battery (9th Field Brigade RA), located in India. Twee years later, he is mentioned as ADC to General Sir Edmund Ironside in the 1st Merchanised Field Artillery Regiment ( 2nd Division). A year later, in 1928, we find him with the 14th Light Battery (5th Light Brigade). He transferred to the 4th Field Battery (4th Field Brigade) the next year and remained with the regiment until 1932, when he was incorporated in the 'I' Battery (1st Cavalry Brigade RHA).
He served in the 6th Medium Regiment RA four years later and was appointed GSO3 HQ Western (Independent) District, Quetta, in 1938.
During the Second World War, he was at HQ Eastern Command and commanded from 1942 the
Tactical School, Poona; in command of 130th Field Regiment RA (14th Indian Division) as a Senior Artillery Instructor. A year later, he was an Instructor at the School of Artillery, Bombay. Reginald saw his first war service in 1944 when he commanded the 115th Field Regiment RA (19th Indian Division).
In 1945 he served as Colonel of Artillery Training at the War Office and took command of the
4th Medium Regiment RA, Anti-Aircraft Command, and the 44th Searchlight Regiment RA during the following years.
During the Pakistan campaign in 1952, he was Commander of the Corps of Royal Artillery.
In 1954 he was in charge of the 5th Anti-Aircraft Group and retired from the army a year after.
Reginald wrote the following chapter in The Royal Artillery Commemoration Book 1939-1945;
‘A story of the march of 115th Field Regiment RA with 19th Indian (Dagger) Division
by Brigadier R. A. G. Nicholson, D.S.O.’
Peter of Ballee William of Ballyskeagh 1697 - ?
x x
Mary Boak Mary Ross
Aaron Gordon William Gordon (1738 - 1831) Margaret Gordon Mary Gordon
Margaret Boak (1744 - 14/11/1837)
Elizabeth(... - 1839) Aaron(1781 - 8/10/1844) Robert of Stragollen (1774- 7/9/1850) William(..- ./1/1837) Mary
X 19/04/1809
Ellen Eagleson (1786 - 21/09/1860)
George (22/6/1824 - 4/6/1896) William(15/5/1812 - 25/2/1814) Aaron (17/5/1814 - 1860) Matilda An (1/11/1817 - 1863) William E. (4/6/1831-15/1/1873) Elizabeth Robert (4/6/1823 - 23/7/1823) Margaret (5/5/1810 - 1816) Ellen (1827 - 1899) Robert (1830 - 1883)
X (1)Marion Hay Forbes
Robert (1855-1918) X (2) Emelia M. Dick
Marion Elizabeth Versfeld
William Eagleson Archibald Alexander Robert Aaron Emily Mackenzie Helen Isabelle
George Ronald Eagleson x x x x Margaret Katherine Blair Lizzie Maude Smith Graham H. W. Nicholson
Vera Newcomb
Cyriel Vivian Eagleson Colin Mackenzie Blair William "Bill" Hyde Eagleson Archibald G. R. Edmund Robert Adam Cameron Gordon Graham (Nicholson)