Custodians of the legacy of Major Archibald Alexander Gordon (1867-1949)
Major Gordon became a member of the Royal Company of Archers in 1896. The Royal Company of Archers is a Scottish army unit with the ceremonial purpose of guarding the British Monarch during his or her stay in Scotland. The unit is also acknowledged for its member's great skill in archery. Although the unit was formed in 1822, during the reign of King George IV, it can be traced back to the 17th century. Major Gordon served under Captain-General William Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 6th Duke of Buccleuch, who was the unit commander from 1884 onwards. Gordon mentions two fellow archers he served with in his book: Lieutenant-Colonel James Clark, who was killed at the First Battle of Ypres in 1915 and Lord Dalmeny - 6th Earl of Rosebery. The latter served as an Aides-De-Camp to General Allenby from 1915 till 1918 on the western front and later in Palestine. Occasional members who could be part of the company during Gordon's presence are:
- Lord Glenorchy, The Earl of Breadalbane and Holland (Brigadier-General in the company of Archers)
- Sir Robert Tuite Boothby.
- Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Cecil Murray, 3rd Viscount Elibank
- Colonel John Hamilton Gillespie
- Lieutenant-Colonel Sir John Gilmour, 2nd Baronet (Brigadier)
- Sir John Robert Gladstone, 3rd Baronet (Brigadier)
- George Baillie-Hamilton-Arden, 11th Earl of Haddington
The Royal Company of Archers was established in 1822 during the reign of King George IV and had to provide a personal bodyguard to the King on his visit to Scotland. The visit was historic because it was the official visit to Scotland in nearly two centuries. The previous visit was by King Charles I for his Scottish coronation in 1633. Today, the company still exists in a ceremonial unit, which has been transformed into the Queen's Bodyguard For Scotland and is located in Edinburgh.
The company's origins are traced back to the 17th century when the so-called Wapinshaw was organised in Scotland, where civilians presented weapons and were part of some militia. The Jacobites used the laws of Wapinshaw to form a military corps under the pretext of sports and recreation. A society for encouraging and exercising archery had already been formed in 1676 as a private archery club. The company mainly consisted of distinguished nobles and gentlemen. It was only until 31 December 1713, when this society obtained a charter under the Great Seal of Scotland, that established the community in a Royal Company. This meant that the company became an independent force with commanding officers and military ranks having the right to conduct exercises and weapon showings much they thought convenient. The company organised every year a public parade every day until 1734. They were only reinstituted after the Napoleonic Wars.
On 15 August 1776, the current base for the company was erected in Buccleuch Street, Edinburgh and later named Archers' Hall. Behind the building lies The Meadows or Hope Park, named after Sir Thomas Hope, who converted it into an archery ground. The organisation's structure has the following positions for officers; one Captain-General, four Captains, four Lieutenants, four Ensigns and twelve Brigadiers.
The Company currently forms a part of The Queen's Household in Scotland.